The top eyes are called : Divine Reflection
    Abilities: gifted with the ability to perfectly replicate any move and technique you lay your eyes upon.
    -possesses immeasurable and unfathomable physical strength (this can be controlled so you don’t kill someone in one punch lol) (but your endurance and body is somewhat weak)
    -ability to turn off pain (plays a huge risk)
    – your eyes can see things at the speed of light.
    -if you use this ability without turning it off for more than 15 minutes your eyes start bleeding and you’ll start eventually going blind as you use it more.

    The bottom eyes are called foresight:

    • you can see into the future by 30 minutes.
      -tells your if a dangerous situation is near.
      -when eyes are activated the entire time for example a fight, you already know your opponent moves because you can see 10 seconds into the future durning that fight (were if you had your eye closed and were concentrated you could see more into the future)
      -you can feel the persons aura incase of a sneak attack.
    • lastly, there is the copy technique were you can learn there moves by watching it and immediately find a way to defend yourself from it and counter if they don’t constantly change up their techniques.
    • your physical strength is more boosted but not nearly as much divine reflection, but instead your endurance and body strength when taking hits is way higher.

    by ActSevere5034

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