Episode 59 – The Survivors

    We caught some fish! … Nice!


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    OP 2 —> Bravest

    ED 3 —> Namae



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    Screenshot of the Dai:


    MY QUEEN!!!

    Comment of the Dai:

    goes to u/laughing-fox13 for finally catching up with the Rewatch:


    I've been meaning to join since the beginning but life, work, and video games got in the way but I finally made it after a pretty big binging session last weekend

    Questions of the Dai:

    1. Would you like to scamper around?
    2. How long will it take for Mystvearn to lost his temper and murder Zaboera?
    3. Since Holy Mother Dragon died, what the future of Dragon Knights is going to be like?


    Please, respect the fact there are First Timers watching Dai no Daibouken with us, so avoid talking about vague things or events that would slightly spoil things to happen. And if you want mention things like this, please hid it behind SPOILER TAGS like [Dai no Spoilers] I am getting the hammer because you spoiled the fun for others

    by Shocketheth


    1. **Mildly Antagonistic Dark Assailing Officer Welcomes You To Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken Rewatch!**

      * [Even if Dark King Vearn already started his plan to destroy the surface world in 10 days](https://i.imgur.com/GIrlUOH.png), and the clock starts ticking, the fake Hero’s party is there to save the day with reminding us the most important life philosophy man can have.
      * [That is, if you think that life is meaningless, you certainly never experienced the joy of fishing.](https://i.imgur.com/A0WQXhF.png) [](#fish)
      * Vearn and Dai is a conflict of Man vs God, while our fake Hero’s party is built different and follows the conflict of Man vs Nature. [](#utahapraises)
      * Following the philosophy corner, we can see now Popp being caught in the middle of the old question.
      * Would you rather be on a secluded shore [with Maam](https://i.imgur.com/Qj2SYBe.png) or [with a bear](https://i.imgur.com/JfdYaWz.png)?
      * [Popp and Maam felt Dark King Terror up close](https://i.imgur.com/YzAjbLH.png) … [Shame that they didn’t feel Dark King Tenor up close.](https://youtu.be/JLxVELPZ5dM?feature=shared&t=15)
      * And the mysterious woman who saved Leona and others several episodes ago is no one other than Queen Flora of Carl Kingdom, a woman who is in love with Avan.
      * I also asked if you can figure out who that woman is since the show hinted at her before, and I need to give a kudos to KendotsX for being first to figuring it out, although he needed a hint or two.
      * [Speaking of Queen Flora, if I was Avan, those majestic shoulder pads would stay on during sex.](https://i.imgur.com/Wyh2DIG.png)
      * Also the full answer when we saw Queen Flora before will be answered tomorrow.
      * [I hate how unrealistic this shot is.](https://i.imgur.com/fTlaTaz.png) With such majestic shoulder pads, Queen Flora should have problem to get through that doorway.
      * [Yep Popp has the same thoughts as I just had.](https://i.imgur.com/of472ya.png) He too unlocked [a shoulder pads fetish.](https://i.imgur.com/wlan6k6.png)
      * [I feel your anger Mystvearn…](https://i.imgur.com/QLEj3tp.png)
      * [Don’t die Crocodine. We need your commentary!](https://i.imgur.com/gVwpXPD.png)


      >Would you like to scamper around?

      I prefer going fishing. [](#fish)

      >How long will it take for Mystvearn to lost his temper and murder Zaboera?

      [I bet my money on the fact that during this scene, Mystvearn mentally murdered Zaboera in 437 possible ways.](https://i.imgur.com/QLEj3tp.png)

      >Since Holy Mother Dragon died, what the future of Dragon Knights is going to be like?


      # Crocodine Shonen Commentary Corner:

      [Unfortunately Crocodine is currently captured by enemy and thus he can’t give his commentary.](https://i.imgur.com/Sq3pQiQ.png)

      # Voice Actor Corner:

      Queen Flora with her majestic shoulder pads is voiced by [Rie Takahashi](https://myanimelist.net/people/34785/Rie_Takahashi) known for her roles of Emilia from Re:Zero, Mirai Asahina from Precure series, and Yui Obata from Animegataris.

    2. Blackheart595 on

      **First Quester**

      [Since when does this world have languages?](https://imgur.com/2fqXbVe)

      Fuck. This is far from the first time I’ve been thinking this, but this show is making me want to agree with GallowDude about the self-adulation of humanity in media and I absolutely hate that. Like, they’re really committing to the bit that Baran’s failure was due to him being insufficiently human.

      Also, what the fuck, gods? Not onle did you fail to make your ultimate lifeform that balances the three races actually balance the three races properly, Vearn gets to be more powerful than you from mere accumulation of stats? You guys aren’t worth your divine title.

      Oh and the Mother Dragon talking about the Forces of Evil having grown so powerful due to the pressure from the Dragon Knight? When exactly was Vearn established as evil? Last I checked, Vearn was lashing back against evil.

      Anyway, time to root for Zaboera again. He’s got the right idea with saying that strength is not about possessing power, it’s about being the last one standing, even if he hasn’t hit the nail quite on the head yet. What strength actually is about is to stay standing, no need (generally speaking) to take the others down.

      Speaking of which, the fake heroes surviving a direct hit from the Vearn Palace bomb? That’s what I call strength!

    3. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First-Timer Quest: Sky no Daibouken, subbed**

      – [Poor fake Hero party.](https://i.imgur.com/v2BTKgY.png) Very wrong place at a very wrong time.

      – [Oh shit, Chiu to the rescue.](https://i.imgur.com/B5Vvvkp.png) [](#shock)

      – [Who…?](https://i.imgur.com/xhaWfHT.png) Oh, she’s Queen Flora.

      – [No, let me have my “Avan is still alive” copium.](https://i.imgur.com/WSAHvEP.png) [](#heavydrinker)

      – [Uhhhhhh](https://i.imgur.com/XNPr0mj.png) [](#bocchitheshock)

      – [Y-Yikes…](https://i.imgur.com/in6wWWL.png) [](#whatdidijustread)

      – [Baran!](https://i.imgur.com/GrZ1suL.png) Okay, so it *was* his death she sensed.

      – [Oh no…](https://i.imgur.com/RtTDPzV.png) [](#forgotkeys)

      – [Ah, a “sore demo” in the next-episode preview!](https://files.catbox.moe/8e97rr.mp4)

    4. First timer!

      1. No.
      2. No. I want Zaboera’s death to be slow and painful. Mystvearn doesn’t sound like the “I’m gonna torture you” kinda guy.
      3. Dai’s gonna have to take care of that, I’m sure he can sire a few kids once he’s old enough!

      So, [this is the Holy Mother Dragon](https://i.imgur.com/8ckQngA.jpeg), the famous dragon who kidnaps and does God knows what to Dragon Knights… ^^^^^would

      [You mean the guy whom Dai one shot?](https://i.imgur.com/z6skQ1v.jpeg) That’s some weak ass Gods this world has.

    5. ###First Timer

      * Strolling around nuking people. What a fun way to pass time.

      * Zaboera talking shit in front of the biggest Hadlar fan. Big mistake.

      * Chiu’s army returns. Now with a bear as new member. This is what I want to see not some jobers fighting each other….

      * [Look at these shoulder pads.](https://i.imgur.com/ETIuzIS.png)

      * LOL Mother Dragon talking about how Vearn is more powerful than the gods when we saw how Hadlar kicked ass. God Emperor Hadlar!

      * You can’t execute Hyunckel and Big Croc. They can’t die…

    6. NicDwolfwood on

      **First Timer, Sub**

      Yay! another appearance by the faux hero party lol. Poor souls got blasted away again like Team Rocket lol. Our good rat Chiu found Maam and Popp washed up on the beach with the help of another beast subordinate. So the mysterious woman was the Queen Flora of Carl Kingdom, I didn’t suspect her at all. She’s Avan’s love interest too, a shame that ship didn’t sail with Avan’s death. But she provided Popp and Maam with a much needed pick me up with her story, so they would regain their morale.

      The Scene with Dai, Baran and the Mother Dragon was cool. I figured that Dai wasn’t really dead and what she sensed was the death of Baran, since he is the true Dragon Knight. So Dai is floated down to Teran with some new power from the Mother Dragon and the Teran king quickly sends for someone who can use Zoom so they can transport Dai to his friends. So the humans have 4 days left before the surface is wiped out, and Hyunckel and Crocodine are gonna be executed by the Dark forces in a few days.


      1. I prefer flying, but sure lol.
      2. Idk, but hopefully his temper has a short fuse and finally ends that annoying bastard.
      3. Like Baran said, Dai will have to preserve the history and line by mating with the woman he loves.

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