1. Turbostrider27 on

      This is the plot:

      > Monica Everett, the Silent Witch, is the only mage in the world who can use unchanted magecraft, a true hero who singlehandedly defeated a legendary black dragon. However, this young genius is actually…super-duper shy! That’s right: She learned to cast spells silently just to avoid speaking in public, and despite her power, she has zero self-confidence. Now Monica has been tasked with secretly guarding the second prince. Can she keep it together as she faces both the evil forces targeting the prince and the terrors of social interaction?

    2. Aerodynamic41 on


      One of my favorite LN series and I’ve been eagerly waiting for an anime adaptation!

    3. I have volume 1 of the Ln, but haven’t gotten to reading it. Heard good things about the series.

    4. Looks like the animation for this might be good, but then fall off hard like other series recently.

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