Rascal Does Not Dream Franchise’s ‘University Arc’ Anime Debuts in 2025

    by Turbostrider27


    1. Odd-Recognition-2606 on

      Let’s go!!! This is gonna be one of the most hype 2025 releases!

      Still, I’m not liking the title of the final novel… Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dear Friend makes me think something will happen to Mai and Sakuta’s relationship, and I’m scared

    2. Glad it’s confirmed to be a TV series and not movies again. I feel like they really screwed up the anime’s release overseas with all the movies they did

    3. Nice! Still waiting on those last 2 movies to be available to stream legally . . . unless I missed them somewhere.

    4. This is one of those shows I don’t mind seeing the characters progress through the stages of their life. Like I want to see Sakuta as a working adult and Mai as a full-fledged actress

    5. Looks like it’ll adapt volumes 10, 11, 12, and ending with 13 (Santa Claus hence the name of the season). About 3 episodes per volume is similar to season 1. Absolutely cannot wait

    6. SpaceForceOne on

      I look forward to an eventual **Rascal Does Not Dream of Restless Infants**, or something to that effect 

    7. casualgamerTX55 on

      Yes! Now I have a lot to look forward to next year!

      Rascal Does Not Dream is the first and only anime I started and finished while I was away from home. It will always be memorable to me.

    8. Independent_Plum2166 on

      How appropriate.

      I’ve finally gotten around to watching the anime and of all the surprises the story has given me, learning it’s one of the few anime that remembers life goes beyond high school, makes me excited to see where the story goes after the show.

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