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    6. #WatchMoreRevueStarlight

    by AutoModerator


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      [New CDF!](#michaelwink)

      I had a 9.5 hour workday today and my neck has been hurting since yesterday morning. [Bleh.](#tiredaoi)

    2. Rewatching Naruto the first few episodes really overuse the fake out. Like someone’s skill will be represented by their ability to be stabbed except it wasn’t really them getting stabbed, or they’ll teleport out of a fatal attack with no explanation of how or why.

      I suppose it was more committed/starting out from the sneaky Ninja premise so it was natural to have some of this, but I get why as the series went on they moved away from this. Late childhood Naruto and early Shippuden probably hit the nicest balance.

      It’s also interesting seeing how much influence the series had in real time. [Early BNHA, Naruto spoilers] >!I’m watch BNHA at the moment and Kakashi and Aizawa pull the same bullshit about “I’m gonna expel you if you fail this basic test” while the other mentor character frets and worries about how harsh they are as teachers, although to be fair BNHA adds a twist that Aizawa was actually gonna expel Deku until he saw his potential. And then there’s the ninja rankings which Jujutsu Kaisen takes to heart with Sorcerer rankings. JJK is weird because it has a high school but they do dick with it after the first few arcs. !<

      Even minor things like having Team 7 introduce themselves to Kakashi reminds me a bit of HxH although it’s played more for comedy until Sasuke edgelords himself in there.

    3. As promised, we’re back for the 54th installment of [Out of Touch Thursdays](!

      – We had inventory last week at work, so this week has been the recovery phase. Monday was a mess, but that was to be expected. What I *didn’t* expect was to be more or less caught up by the end of the day yesterday.

      – On the subject of work, there’s a woman who works in the office that I’ve gotten to be good friends with. However, I am beginning to question things a little bit, because I *kind of* get the feeling that she’s… *interested*.


      I suggested just a sort of 20 questions thing to get to know each other a little bit better, and there were some innocent things she said that could be taken differently if you thought about. I’m not pushing for it, but we’ll see what happens.

      – I started watching My Deer Friend Nokotan this past week. Holy shit that show is hilarious. A buddy said it’s like Nichijou, but this feels so much more batshit insane. The visual gags in the first episode alone had me in stitches, and the second leveled me.

      – /u/lilyvess /u/jollygee29 I literally had the Monty Python Secret Lair with the double-sided Birds of Paradise in my cart on Monday, and ultimately decided against it. Apparently there was some major backlash, which they rightfully deserved, about the availability or lack thereof. I feel like they’re going to say they’ll do something about it, and ultimately not change anything. Perhaps I’m just cynical, but I almost expect them to go the opposite way and do another, seemingly more popular, IP.

      I also think I’m going to go with Ghave as my replacement deck for the WB Aristocrats list I was fiddling around with.

    4. [Hi everyone!](#salutegeo)

      I hope you had a good week!

      This week’s 3×3 Corner will be posted in about 22 hours.

      **This week’s theme is Oblivious to Love (dense MCs)!**

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