1. I question why the squad even kept bothering to go back to the kingdom when their treatment doesn’t even get any better and they don’t really need their help. Though I guess being in the Kingdom’s good graces is part of their mission and disobeying would just get their heads blown up.

      RIP that noble dude Nanaue ate. He was even advocating for them, but he couldn’t disobey the queen’s orders. And she probably wanted him gone too thanks to his opinions. All because she may or may not have been replaced by whatever that thing in the mirror is.

      And poor Nanaue as well. He ate someone for hurting his friend and got slated for execution because of it, yet it seems like Rick is the only one who’s insistent on rescuing him. I mean yeah, they’re a bunch of terrible people, but it would’ve been nice to see the rest of the squad want to save him too.

      That entire bar scene tho lmao. I didn’t even notice that Peacemaker had his pants off the entire time. It was even visible during multiple shots before he stood up. No wonder Rick looked down.

      But finally, we got confirmation to how Clayface would deal with the bombs. I should’ve never doubted his acting prowess, and I’m now convinced that any time he gets his ass kicked (when his powers aren’t supressed) is probably just him pretending. Even Peacemaker was shook when he came back.

      Though it’s really, really lucky that Waller wanted to blow their heads up one by one instead of doing the same for the whole squad at the exact same time, and decided to kill Clayface first and foremost.

    2. MikaelJ0m5v1k1ng on

      I have an itch that Waller planned to detonate Clayface’s first, I mean she could go with anyone but may have knew that Clayface was capable of doing that, or she really did that by random.

    3. magnumcyclonex on

      This episode was full of wacky things!

      The queen set up the noble to go against his own ideals with King Shark just eating him alive. None of the squad could do a thing after they magically bound King Shark.

      I do like the talk that Harley gave the princess. She needs to do more than just apologize. And now that she’s seen what her mother really is, that will tip her resolve to act even further.

      Waller just blowing off Clayface was awesome. He was the right person for this show of power because he can’t be killed off that easily. Despite knowing and seeing his revival, Rick Flag is furious and wants to make things right by going against both women in power.

      Side question, why was Peacemaker without pants in the bar? It was so uncharacteristic of him.

    4. Considering how [Theodore was siding with the Squad](https://i.imgur.com/PPRq3Gf.png), I’m not surprised that the [Queen used him to rile them up](https://i.imgur.com/wgVk10u.jpeg) knowing exactly [what would happen if he did.](https://i.imgur.com/wgVk10u.jpeg) She basically got rid of someone who wanted to help the Squad and it also gave her a reason to execute them in one move.

      I’m just surprised that they didn’t start shooting up the palace [when Nanaue was captured.](https://i.imgur.com/b5DDdAJ.jpeg) This would’ve been the perfect time for the Squad to snap and show these ungrateful bastards what they could do if they wanted to cause chaos in the Empire instead of helping them.

      That entire tavern brawl scene was hilarious! I didn’t even that Peacemaker was butt-naked [until he stood up from his seat!](https://i.imgur.com/TCvAaH8.png) That explains why [Rick was looking down](https://i.imgur.com/v4GMSBr.png) when Peacemaker was doing his entire “I’m not drunk!” speech.

      [Clayface standing next to Deadshot perfectly fine](https://i.imgur.com/Rmbmkto.jpeg) after his bomb was detonated seconds ago was hilarious! [Everyone’s reaction was great!](https://i.imgur.com/Rmbmkto.jpeg) I think even Peacemaker was shocked because you can see him shake a bit during that scene. The bomb collar wasn’t even a problem for him, he’s just in this to be an isekai protagonist. xD

      [There it is!](https://i.imgur.com/3lFe5af.jpeg) That explains why the Queen seems so deranged, she’s been replaced by a demon. I’m guessing the real Queen has been dead for a while now, possibly even before the Squad arrived in this world.

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