We will support you either way!

    by Slient-killer2002


    1. Worldly_Owl6838 on

      Get bullied > become self-conscious > become anime girl > be parasocial with a streaming audience of lonely men > profit.

      What a time to be alive.

      Jokes aside, by nature, we can’t fairly say every one of them is “hot”, but they are people who’ve been hurt. All of us hurt and this is how they decide to cope and I hope they can heal and lead healthy lives with or without content creation someday.

    2. Active-Emu5245 on

      Awww, these are the person who really have so much potential in life but due to these nasty peeps their self confidence deteriorate. fighting!~

    3. “vtubers” who are just vtubers half of the time gets increasing more ever since Kson maybe made it popular

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