————————————————–About Shimushi VenorA 112-year-old insect-like entity born in a research lab somewhere in Japan. Plans to try my hand at various things, mainly games and chatting! 🍯Twitte🍯 ▶▷ @SiMSi_venoLe (https://twitter.com/SiMSi_venoLe 🍯YouTube🍯 ▶▷ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCux1NSMvwy5gYL2D1SQeTuA 🍯Hashtag🍯 Streaming tag: VenoLive FA that can be used: #VenolSpecimenExhibition Fan name: Fellow baits ———————————–💜Thank you💜 Mama Teacher 💜 Miyamo-sama ▶▷ https://twitter.com/meaowmo?s=20&t=Lk… Papa Teacher 💜 Nekomiya Noru-sama ▶▷ https://twitter.com/noru_nekomiya?s=2… ▶▷https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCryG… Logo teacher 💜 Asaka ▶▷ https://twitter.com/azatomomiage44?s=… Background creation 💜 Endon ▶▷ https://twitter.com/ENDON_design?s=20… ——————————–#Newcomer vtuber #Game streaming #Dungeon food #Collaboration cafe #Shimushi Venor #Veno Live #Live play

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