Accurate I’d say

    by MK544


    1. babycart_of_sherdog on

      >That’s what ~~Freedom~~ FREEING THE SHIT OUTTA YA is all about


    2. But isn’t it in the USA where you can buy Tomatoes, Onions, Rifle, Rice…?

      ^(…with ammunition for the trip.)

    3. Substantial_Bite_760 on

      Wait- what’s up wit the guy with the women as a gun?

      fuck that’s mind boggling XD

    4. MalcolmLinair on

      Not even close to accurate; where’s the army of pundits saying it’s “too soon” to talk about gun control?

    5. thrownawayzsss on

      You know what, almost every single sound here is used in the Metal Slug games.

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