Not Mainstream Animes for Begginers Chart

    by bunnycrisis


    1. VoidEmbracedWitch on

      Quite a bit of mainstream stuff despite the title and also, unlike the last time you posted this, I noticed the title for Fumetsu is wrong


    2. BiggieCheeseLapDog on

      I mean, I don’t know about you, but I’d definitely say something like K-On or Elfen Lied are mainstream

    3. weird_edgy_username on

      Isn’t Higurashi like the most well known horror anime (not counting horror-adjacent stuff)

    4. iamstillhereafterall on

      Half of the list is pure mainstream, but most of them are really good, so it’s okay i guess.

    5. Fluffy_data_doges on

      It would be better to use English titles for an English list like this. Especially for beginners. Most people aren’t going to remember the Japanese version of shows like “To your eternity”.

    6. I think calling these “not mainstream”, when recommended for beginners, is appropriate. It’s not like OP is saying they’re very underground or anything. But most betginers wouldn’t know 1/10th of these. Nice list

    7. Non non Biyori is one of the most popular slice of life ever made. No slice of life is ever going to be full on mainstream to the level of something like dragon ball but it’s definitely up there for a slice of life. K On even more so.

    8. SirusRiddler on

      To Your Eternity has one of the strongest first episodes of any show. Just so chilling, so sad.

    9. fuyu-no-hanashi on

      Recommending Aku no Hana for romance is crazy. No one watches/reads Aku no Hana for the romance.

    10. ValiantTeaMug on

      Recommending kuzu no honkai as romance is the most evil shit I’ve seen all week.

    11. Some people are nitpicking anyways, but it’s better than I was expecting going in. Thought for sure half the chart would be like tier 2 mainstream. lol There’s a few on the more popular side, but eh. Decent variety, good comedy section, and I like the inclusion of Aku no Hana. 👀 (Though it’s not particularly romantic…)

    12. OH THIS LIST IS FOR BEGINNERS. Awful awful title gore

      It read like “anime that is not for beginners and is not mainstream”

    13. No_Astronaut_9286 on

      Woah Kotaro lives alone is such a heart breaking for a beginner. Hope they won’t traumatize

    14. No_Astronaut_9286 on

      Woah Kotaro lives alone is such a heart breaking for a beginner. Hope they won’t traumatize.

    15. To your eternity was really good but jesus i had to drop it because it was depressing af 😭

    16. In what universe is Aku no Hana a romance or worth experiencing without the second half?

    17. If I asked someone for a slice of life, and they recommended me School-Live!, I would be very very angry at them.

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