1. There’s no way we were going to go a whole episode without one true waifu Lilliel, and everyone in that building understood the mission.

    2. WhoiusBarrel on

      In classic losing heroine fashion, Mikari shot her foot by helping her love rival out with both her feelings and date outfit. Poor girl can’t stop collecting Ls.

      That inspiring talk Okumura had with Ririsa was basically just 2 dorks flirting with each other out loud in front of everyone in attendance.

    3. I wanna watch this show so bad since I read the manga but when I click the link for crunchyroll there are no episodes showing up lol…

    4. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      It’s cute seeing Okumura and Ririsa become more conscious of one another. So much for this just being a cosplay event. This is totally a date! Thanks to Mikari for throwing that outfit together for Ririsa.

      It’s adorable Okumura is getting kinda jealous people might see Ririsa in those poses. No erotic stuff on the CDs though, lucky for him.

      I’m glad the other cosplayers are such nice people. They were all so helpful towards Ririsa when she was getting changed. Their reward is seeing her in that godtier cosplay lol.

    5. Okumura and Ririsa…congratulations! You pulled an all-nighter and completed your cosrom! You earned that high-five.

      Though of course Mikari is less than happy that not only did the pair spend a night together at school but are also attending a cosplay event together…which sounds enough like a date to get Okumura all hot and bothered. Though Mikari really shooting herself in the foot by making her rival realize that fact as well and make Ririsa reflect on her feelings for her Senpai. Mikari even realized too late she said too much, poor girl.

      What should they wear? Should they dress like it’s a date? Does Ririsa have any date-worthy outfits!? Actually, she does have a lot of clothes. Also her dog is getting as flustered about this as she is.

      You have to give it to Mikari, it’s not just any girl who gets up early in the morning to give her rival in love fashion tips and makes sure she looks her best for the guy they both mutually like, but Mikari pays what she feels she owes people and that just makes me respect her more. Plus she has such a great sense of style that she turns Ririsa into quite the stunner in that outfit + no contacts. Okumura was not prepared for such a sight.

      Of course neither knows what to do on a date and are pretty awkward, especially with nothing to do. Also the sandal heels were good in theory but not for the amount of walking Ririsa had to do…though I guess it let Okumura be more attentive and caring towards her so it works out. Besides it’s very much them for these two to watch their favorite anime spinoff together and geek out no matter how cringe they come off in public!

      No cosplay romcom show would be complete without the pairs’ first cosplay event together! Though it goes to show how this is their first time that they have no cover art for the cosrom or any promotional material. And while Ririsa!Liliel would be a great poster girl, Ririsa is so self-conscious around the other female cosplayers in their attractive costumes to actually dress as her Liliel self.

      Look, it’s Magino! An experienced cosplayer dressed as the latest hot mobile game waifu, complete with a very revealing and flashy outfit she knows how to flaunt! She’s even got Tomokazu Sugita as her partner! Though while Magino seems supportive in her own way (if prone to backhand compliments), Ogino is too smug for his own good.

      Okumura starting to feel possessive of Ririsa! He doesn’t want other guys seeing her as Liliel, especially the more lewd photos. Though even Ririsa draws the line at using said photos, especially when she’s a minor. Though of course one of the dudes asks if there’s panty shots. If that didn’t hurt them, the fact that Liliel is treated as yesterday’s news doesn’t help.

      But Okumura knows how much effort Ririsa put into this and how cute her Liliel is and she deserves to put herself out there and show people! Because no one believes in her like he does.

      Ha! Okumura got fooled by the cross-dressing cosplay girls. Admittedly they’re VERY convincing as Bishonen boys. And surprisingly nice too.

      Getting a peak at the women’s changing room at a cosplay event seems like we’re getting to see something absolutely sacred…especially with all the ladies undressed or half into their costumes. It’s a little intimidating for Ririsa, but the girls are actually all supportive of each other and have no problem contributing material for cosplay.

      Ah, I see Ririsa has learned an important lesson about not exposing your panties at a softcore cosplay event. Good thing elf waifu from her last event was happy to undress to give her a petticoat. And her Liliel is enough to impress not only the other female cosplayers but also make big splash on the event floor! Go Ririsa!

    6. I would keep this line for the final part of the anime, but there’s no way, it’s very easy to understand why Okumura is gradually falling for Ririsa, she’s cute, pretty (and without glasses she’s even more so), dedicated, smart, excellent company, and a little perverted with “certain photos” lol, but seriously, very good as things are progressing without having to anticipate too much what will be the culmination in the future, Mikari will have to fight hard to have any chance

    7. Man I just love the atmosphere of this series. 100% otaku love letter. It make me sad by the fact that I never go into event when I can. Now I just doesn’t have any time to go to many place like this.

    8. actionfirst1 on

      It would’ve been easy to just write everyone at the cosplay event as jerks but I’m glad everyone there was really likable. Even the other two next to their booth were pretty supportive overall and came off experienced, not entitled

    9. Ah, didn’t expect those to to grow so concious of the other so early into the show, feels like it’s gonna stretch this state way too long from now on

      Their Cosroms may be done just in time, but they really do look lackluster.

      The people in the booth next to them seemed [nice](https://imgur.com/WPXrEVs) at first, but as it went on, [they](https://imgur.com/lqOHLXf) really became [obnoxious](https://imgur.com/ZmNmrqI)

      Hope we will meet the [Ikemen Girls](https://imgur.com/8ynJUrx) again, they seem fun and might wingmen for some progress.

      It was nice to see how supportive all the other cosplayers where, really hope [this](https://imgur.com/7magwsr) is some foreshadowing.

      Also nice how concious everyone, including herself, is that Ririsa is underage and should not even do softcore stuff

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