JANE DOE ❤️ [ZZZero] (2500×5000) 8K Version in Comments

    by also_ashu

    1 Comment

    1. Original artwork: [***SOURCE***](https://twitter.com/MHKchen/status/1812035485893820474) drawn by: [**MHKchen**](https://x.com/MHKchen?t=YhMqrVoCSxL6DB0IIVeQhw&s=09)

      Upscaled Versions: [8K & Uncropped Versions](https://gofile.io/d/mo6ast)

      Note: the source link is twitter/X but I’m afraid, recently there have been an issue of broken links .. like it shows page doesn’t exist 🙁
      So for backup.. I’ll be linking the artist’s twitter/X too .. so in any case .. Please check out the profile directly

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