“It’s just a drawing”

    by Flat_Increase_6241


    1. perish-in-flames on

      You come here with a fresh account, post this played out repost, on this played out topic, and it will probably get you like 500+ upvotes for some reason.

    2. Sharp_Situation_4194 on

      I thought it said killing Lolis and I sat and thought about pedophobia and the implications then reread it and realized I’m dumb as shit

    3. I swear all this fucking subreddit is about these days is lolis and pedophilia

    4. SignificantJury268 on

      It’s almost like hating on something people like is going to bring negative annotations crazy

    5. Sad_Spinach6488 on

      Me defending myself after saying liking loli’s IS NOT pedophilia. Seriously, this shit is so overblown that it’s just made a mockery of the anime meme subs. Please virtue signal elsewhere.

    6. milfallure072 on

      It’s not pedophilia. Loli is a body type not an age. Tasumaki is 28, Uzaki chan is in collage, there are plenty more examples. I don’t know what in your head only sees a child when you look at a petite woman but it’s not healthy

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